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51 - 100 of 333 works
Design for a champagne poster (c. 1896)
L'Illustration magazine - cover for Christmas 1896/1897 (1896)
Sarah Bernhardt as La Princesse Lointaine: poster for 'La Plume' magazine (1897)
Poster for 'Chocolat Idéal' (1897)
Poster for 'Bières de la Meuse' (1897)
Poster for 'Monaco - Monte Carlo', P.L.M. railway services (1897)
Poster for 'Nestlé's Food for Infants' (1897)
Poster for 'Hommage Respectueux de Nestlé' (the Nestlé Company's tribute to Queen Victoria's 60th Jubilee) (1897)
Mucha's studio decorated with his collection of objets d'art, Rue du Val de Grâce, Paris (c.1897)
Fruit (1897)
Flower (1897)
Flower: final study for decorative panel (1897)
Poster for 'Salon des Cent Mucha Exhibition June 1897' (1897)
Byzantine Heads (pair) (1897)
Byzantine Heads: Brunette (1897)
Byzantine Heads: Blonde (1897)
Société Populaire des Beaux Arts (1897)
F. Guillot Pelletier-Orleans Calendar (1897)
Ilsée, Princesse de Tripoli (1897)
La Plume (1897)
L'Illustré Soleil du Dimanche (1897)
L'Annee Qui Vient (1897)
Poster for 'La Trappistine' (1897)
Poster for 'La Samaritaine' (1897)
Biscuits Lefevre Utile (1897)
Salomé (1897)
West End Review (1897)
Poster for 'Médée' (1898)
Poster for 'Job' cigarette paper (1898)
Poster for 'Waverley Cycles' (1898)
Amilcare Cipriani (1843-1918), Italian revolutionary and socialist, in Mucha's studio, Rue du Val de Grâce, Paris. (c.1898)
Rêverie (1898)
The Arts: study for 'Painting' (1898)
The Arts: study for 'Poetry' (1898)
The Arts: study for 'Music' (1898)
The Arts: study for 'Dance' (1898)
The Arts (series) (1898)
The Arts: Painting (1898)
The Arts: Poetry (1898)
The Arts: Music (1898)
The Arts: Dance (1898)
Nude on a Rock (1898-1899)
The Flowers (series) (1898)
The Flowers: Rose (1898)
The Flowers: Iris (1898)
The Flowers: Carnation (1898)
The Flowers: Lily (1898)
Bénédictine (1898)
Au Quartier Latin (1898)
Letem Českým Světem (1898)